Capitano Eric

He made himself known in porn for his exuberant masculinity and for his tireless performances, on the stages of the Iberian fairs and on the Italian Boot Camp set by Rocco Siffredi, where he left his mark in 2014. Protagonist and backbone of SpicyLab for his versatility of webmaster, director, videographer, coordinator and Italian stallion doc. He has worked for the major production companies and with the most famous Italian directors (Roby BIanchi, Steve Morelli, Max Bellocchio, Francesco Mozart) and was awarded for the best trio porn at SEB 2017 and 2019, best erotic actor at the Almeria Fair in 2017, best actor and best porn couple together with Mary Rider at the EroAwards 2019 and 2021, NetStar Awards at Venus 2019. He regularly participates in major erotic fairs (SEB, ErosPorto, Venus , Eroticland, BergamoSex, AVN)

He is the protagonist and creator of the Fottimi Ladro series

In 2021 he often worked in Prague on the AnalVids set for Giorgio Grandi's XFreaxx studio and in 2022 he returned to collaborate with Roby Bianchi, also for his AnalVids channel.


  • Legal Porno/ AnalVids
  • Italian Boot Camp by Rocco Siffredi
  • Pink'O
  • PornDoe Premium by Roby Bianchi
  • MF production by Steve Morelli
  • XtimeTV e FM by Francesco Mozart
  • ATV Entertainment by Roby Bianchi
  • Union Magazine
  • Roby Bianchi Poduction

Capitano Eric Videos

  • 81

Foursome Sex League

Attori: Mary Rider, Capitano Eric

29, February 2024

  • 243

Capitano Eric Director Videos

Mary Rider

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