Mary Rider

Mary Rider was born as a hard actress in December 2013, out of curiosity, exhibitionism, experimentation and desire for change. She has the indefinite age of someone who intensely lives the ripe fruits of life and the intense color of the thousand shades of pink and fuchsia that illuminate her existence.

Salernitana graduated from the Liceo Classico and graduated in Comparative Literature at the University of Naples with a thesis on "Lilith's daughters and the vampirism of the femme fatale", she is an investigative, news, politics and costume journalist and has collaborated for numerous local and local newspapers and national between Campania and Piedmont.

Her passion is motorbikes (she's a real rider), burlesque and pole dance. She enjoys modeling for photo shoots.

Blogger and writer, after her debut in an amateur video for a small Turin production company together with her life and stage partner Captain Eric, she appreciated the taste of the stage at the ErosPorto 2014 fair and on the set of Rocco Siffredi for the Italian Boot Camp , EvilAngel. The debut in international experiences has led her, in just two years of career, to collaborate with the major Italian companies in the sector: Roby Bianchi, Steve Morelli, Andy Casanova, Max Bellocchio, Francesco Mozart.

Protagonist of numerous scenes in streaming and on DVD, also for international production companies, she is the founder and inspirer of SpicyLab, the Turin laboratory of eroticism that promotes experimentation, fun and spicy live streaming, as well as godmother of the SpicyLab channel on Xtime .TV

Mary Rider Videos

Spicy Gonzo - Anal Angel XXVI

Attori: Mary Rider

20, February 2025

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Mary Rider

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