Michelle Ferrari

Michelle Ferrari graduated in business administration, started her career in porn in 2005. She says she started as a joke, with her ex boyfriend. She started making films under the direction of Marzio Tangeri, also manager and agent of the actress, who also found her the stage name of Michelle Ferrari, chosen for the resemblance to Michelle Hunziker, but also because when she started there were very few Italians and the foreign name helped and intrigued . He revealed that he started making red light films only to continue transgressing. She managed long time her personal website, with professional movies and live streaming. 

Retired to a private life since 2016, he never ceases to periodically reappear on the stages of adult entertainment in her website or by partecipating in fairs and erotic events as a guest and ancorwoman.



  • CentoXCento
  • YouPorn; M.G.R. Comunication
  • Digital Sin
  • PornHub
  • Pink'O Club
  • Multimedia Solutions
  • Television: Il bivio - Cosa sarebbe successo se..., Le iene e Lucignolo su Italia 1; Maurizio Costanzo Show, Tutte le mattine e Mattino cinque su Canale 5; Senza fine su Rai 3; Dodicesimo round e La grande notte (con Gene Gnocchi) su Rai 2. Sexy camera all'italiana su FX, Sexy Angels su Comedy Central e Lemon Party su Alice Home TV. Otto e Mezzo su LA7
Mary Rider

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