Carlos Valdez

His name is Carlos Valdez and he has seen and experienced the history of pornography and its evolution, from Italian FM sets to productions from Eastern Europe and the USA. His medical degree taught him to play art with a woman's body and continues to make him the star of international sets after more than 20 years of career. His specialty is Black and White videos.


  • FM video, ATV Entertainment
  • Evil Angel, DBM video
  • Channel 69, New Sensation
  • Sins Pictures, Private
  • Jacquie et Michel, Z Faktory
  • Salieri XXX, Black X
  • Combact Zone, Bizzarre Brothers
  • 21sextreme, Third World Media
  • Legal Porno, Mariska

Carlos Valdez Videos

  • 143
  • 19
Mary Rider

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